Dec 30, 2021

Our first paper about selective ion separation using chemically enhanced electrodialysis is in ACS ES&T Water. Thanks for the patience of the team (for it took years to finish the manuscript amidst moving and the pandemic). The exploration of the interaction between surface-bound ligands and ionic solutes during electrochemical separation will continue…

Oct 27, 2021

Congratulations to Lingfei for wining first place at the AEHS 2021 Conference for the work on sulfur-modified iron for reductive dechlorination of per- and di-chloroethenes. This work allows us to piece together a more complete picture of the S-ZVI material for environmental applications. Thanks to the AEHS foundation for the honor!

Mar 29, 2021

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Syful’s work on combined biological sulfate reduction and ZVI treatment was recently published in ES&T. Congratulations to Syful and all co-workers!

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Mar 19, 2021

Join us at the virtual symposium at the ACS Spring 21 National Meeting to discuss Biogeochemical Transformation in the Underground Environment, jointly sponsored by ENVR and GEOC divisions. Organizers: Weile Yan / Kay Millerick / Matt Siebecker.

Matt takes the credit of the nice graphic in the flyer!

Oct 22, 2020

Mythreyi’s poster about developing methods for microplastic analysis won 2nd prize at the AEHS student poster competition. Congrats for a great start of a challenging quest!


Jun 1, 2020

Lingfei joined our lab group in the spring of 2020. Welcome Lingfei !


May 14, 2020

ACS Spring Meeting 2020 offers a virtual platform for poster and slides presentations. We welcome researchers to check out the virtual presentations in our symposium Biogeochemical Transformation in Underground Environment.


Feb 2, 2020

Syful and Yanlai’s paper about sulfur-amendment of commmerical iron (ZVI) products was published in Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. It offers a comprehensive discussion on the sulfidation effect from the perspective of impurity-laden industry-grade iron materials as opposed to lab-synthesized or high-purity iron. Another step to understand the interesting chemistry of iron and sulfur.

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Oct 16, 2019

We just received funding from DOD SERDP and DOE for two new projects related to abiotic dechlorination in subsurface and recovery of value-added elements in energy industry waste streams.


Sept 1, 2019

Mythreyi joined as the first graduate student in our new lab. Welcome and the team will start from ground zero!


Aug 19, 2019

Weile moved from Texas Tech to UMass Lowell, joining the Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept as an associate professor. She is setting up her lab and looking forward to seeing the very first cohort of the ENVE students.


Jun 30, 2019

Thanks to the gracious funding by NSF I-CORPS program, a team consisting of Syful (entrepreneur lead), Nash (co-EL), Weile (technical lead), and Mark (mentor) set out to understand the market potential of our research findings related to the “surface-modified iron”. We traveled across 9 states and 12 cities and felt the vibe of the remediation industry first-hand.

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May 19, 2018

Graduation season… Bea defended her dissertation and will join GSI. Syful graduated with M.S. and is embarking on his Ph.D. journey. Congratulations for reaching these great milestones!

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Nov 20, 2017

Bea was awarded funding from NSF to embark on an internship program with GSI Environmental. Congratulations! 


Sept 5, 2017

Lakshmanan (Laks) joined the lab as a research associate. Welcome! 


May 24, 2017

Bea gave the best elevator pitch at the Battelle Conference on her interfacial iron chemistry work. Congrats! 


May 19, 2017

Meghan Robertson and Jon Vue, our former members, have graduated from ENVE with distinctions. Have great new endeavors! 


April 21, 2017

The TTU Society of Environmental Professionals (SEP) snatched two awards in the spring! Our team received 3rd prize at the 2017 SPE HSSE Student Challenge. Bravo, Daniela, Katie, Ryan, John, and Eli!  Kudos to Valerie, Ciara, officer team, and all volunteers, we took home the Best Trashy Site at the Texas River Cleanup Challenge 2017 !! 

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December 16, 2016

Congratulations to Garret and Paul for completing the 5-year Masters in Environmental Engineering program with flying colors!  A good journey to the professional world!

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November 17, 2016

We have moved to the newly opened Maddox Engineering Research Center. A look at our new lab space (MERC 205):  

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November 9, 2016

Yanlai's study on sulfided nano zerovalent-iron was published in Environmental Science & Technology. See the abstract. Congratulations!

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September 4, 2016

The group welcomes Syful Islam to join the team. Syful graduated from the Petroleum Engineering Department and he is keen to embark on his graduate study in the Environmental Engineering field. 


August 17, 2016

Congratulations to Yanlai for successfully defending his dissertation and receiving his Ph.D. degree after 5 years of study at Tech! Yanlai is set off to the EPA National Exposure Research Lab in Georgia on the ORISE post-doctoral fellowship.